Make our street great again - Thomas Bibby

To the project team in charge of redesigning Limerick’s main street:

Please remove through traffic from O’Connell Street.

Expecting people to compete with 1 tonne+ hunks of metal dashing from one side of the city to the other is a recipe for disaster. Let’s admit that “shared space” is the “sorry/not sorry” of urban design when it facilitates traffic throughput.

Let’s be ambitious for our city centre: O’Connell Street has enough room for green spaces, playgrounds, exhibition areas, and much much more.

To attract the best to live, work and learn in our city centre requires a city centre worthy of the best.

I genuinely appreciate the effort that the project team have made to consult the public. I know we share the same hopes and dreams for our city, and I hope you can revise your plans to remove through traffic and centre our great street around our city’s most important asset: our people.

Sent as a submission to the O’Connell St project design team, 29th June 2017.