
Links 2018-01-07

The surprising thing Google learned about its employees — and what it means for today’s students – Washington Post

I’m not sure about the implications for education mentioned in this article but this is a great summary of Google’s Oxygen and Aristotle projects – where they found that the skills that most highly correlated with successful software engineers were soft interpersonal skills (e.g. being a good coach; listening) and not hard skills like algorithms or data structures. The stereotype of the socially toxic yet brilliant programmer needs to die.

My Internet Mea Culpa – Rick Webb

As a GenX tech worker, this piece struck close to home. Rick Webb says sorry for his tech utopianism (and by implication, the rest of we GenXers who thought that information wanted to be free) that resulted in the terrordrome of awfulness that is today’s web.

The Smart, the Stupid, and the Catastrophically Scary: An Interview with an Anonymous Data Scientist – Logic Magazine

A long anonymous interview with a data scientist, who maintains that data science, machine learning artificial intelligence fields are so full of stupid marketing that close to nobody actually knows what they’re talking about anymore.

China’s Selfie Obsession – New Yorker

An article about beauty, celebrity culture, photo filters and plastic surgery in China.

The Objective-C Runtime & Swift Dynamism – Roy Marmelstein – Realm

A transcript of a 2016 talk. I love deep dives like this into the Objective-C runtime – in particular how simple things like classes are implemented in Objective-C.

An epic treatise on scheduling, bug tracking, and triage – apenwarr

This is a gloriously meandering take on the state of modern software development. It should be required reading for programmers, project managers, and anyone who ever wondered why software is late.

SQL Keys in depth – Joe Nelson

I learnt loads from this article, not just about databases, but about uniqueness and the abstractions we use to represent the real world in our programs.

Links 2017-12-31

Note: this is a new experiment I’m running – posting a weekly list of links that I enjoyed. Feedback welcome – also if anyone would like these in their inbox, let me know and I’ll add a subscription option.

Computer latency: 1977-2017 – Dan Luu

A wonderful article detailing how our computing devices have been getting less responsive over the years, and how complexity makes it worse.  There are good reasons why a 34 year-old Apple IIe  is top of Dan’s responsiveness charts, but that doesn’t mean we should be proud of it.

From inboxing to thought showers: how business bullshit took over – The Guardian

A glorious rant against business speak, with a shout-out to one of my favourite TV series, W1A, which skewers this practice wonderfully.

Dozens of Companies Are Using Facebook to Exclude Older Workers From Job Ads – ProPublica

Discrimination of any kind is awful of course, but what’s baffling about this particular case is that companies are hurting themselves by excluding potentially brilliant employees. And this doesn’t just go for older people – the lack of diversity in tech is a directly result of tech companies using stupid hiring practices and then wondering why it’s so hard to get good people.

Decomposing Emoji –

An illustration of how Swift, Javascript, Ruby and Python all have different answers to the question of “how long is this string”, and how they’re all right. It feels like since Unicode, strings are the new dates – representations of real-world things that most programmers get wrong.

How Facebook’s Political Unit Enables the Dark Art of Digital Propaganda

It’s not shocking that Facebook are making money from rich people looking to change peoples’ minds, but it is shocking how blatant they are about it. I’m expecting Facebook ads paid for by people and organisations outside Ireland to play a big role in Ireland’s abortion referendum next year.

How to scam $200,000 per month and get 67,882 all 5 Star reviews on the app store – reddit

A nice bit of digging on fake reviews on the App Store. My biggest complaint about the App Store – it’s not the 30% cut, or the stringent review criteria, those things I’m happy to put up with. My complaint is that the scammers still win. If the scammers are vanquished and good apps will naturally rise to the top of the sales charts I’d be a much happier app developer. This article shows how much work Apple need to do to fix the App Store and remove the rubbish.

Rust in 2017: what we achieved –

I’ve not tried out Rust yet – but this is a pretty good example of how to grow a community round your project. I enjoy these “year in review” posts so much, I’m surprised that more people don’t do them (and just to show it’s not just for programmers, I enjoyed Candy Japan’s 2017 review post too)

On the front lines of the GOP’s civil war – Esquire

An interesting account of Republicans in the US trying to take their party back.

Chrome is Not the Standard – Chris Kycho

It still baffles me how Chrome managed to get such market share, especially amongst developers. I’ve only came across a few sites that were Chrome-only – mostly complicated web apps – and I hope that this trend doesn’t continue.

Ask HN: Is it too late to find a mentor after 30 for a software developer? – Hacker News

A Hacker News discussion thread that reminds me of a business idea I have – create a remote part-time version of Recurse Center – pair people up with a remote mentor, charge a subscription fee where most of the money goes to the mentor, to a maximum of x hours a month. Like most of my business ideas, I really just want this service to exist, because I’d definitely pay for it.

The Only McLaren F1 Technician in North America – Road And Track Magazine

I’m mostly bored about cars these days, but I still remember the excitement when the McLaren F1 came out, and this article is a lovely tribute to a truly ground-breaking machine.

To Serve Man, with Software – Jeff Atwood

An eloquent post on the need for software engineers to recognise the responsibility that comes with our increasing power.

Eight opinionated tips for people learning Swift

I was talking to two Objective-C iOS developers recently who told me that they were starting to learn Swift. This got me thinking: what did I wish I knew when I was learning Swift? Here are eight tips that are opinionated: they are not designed to help you learn Swift, but they might help you to work with the language instead of against it.

1. Avoid force unwrapping and force casting

I’ve written about this before – and it annoys me that Xcode sometimes recommends force unwrapping Optionals as a fix-it. Force unwrapping with ! and force casting with as! will bite you in the end – don’t do it. (Possible exception – objects from Storyboards and interface builder files, as their types are defined at runtime).

2. Prefer guard let over if let

You’ll learn that the classical way to unwrap an Optional is to use if let. The problem with if let is that it can cause pyramids of doom of closing braces in your functions. Consider this example:

if let processedString = funcThatReturnsAnOptionalString("parameter") {
    if let secondProcessedString = funcThatReturnsAnOptionalString("another parameter") {
        if !processedString.isEmpty && !secondProcessedString.isEmpty {
            //do stuff
} // yuk

Solution: use guard let introduced in Swift 2:

guard let processedString = funcThatReturnsAnOptionalString("parameter") else {
    //you may want to perform error handling here
guard let secondProcessedString = funcThatReturnsAnOptionalString("another parameter") {
    //handle error if necessary
if !processedString.isEmpty && !secondProcessedString.isEmpty {
    //do stuff
} //goodbye pyramid of doom

This gives you a fail early pattern and allows you to avoid unnecessary indentation.

3. Unwrap multiple things at once

You’ll run in to another problem once you start using guard let: you’ll find your functions compress horizontally (less indentation) but will expand vertically (more lines of code). Solution: unwrap multiple things at once. Consider the example above compared with:

guard let processedString = funcThatReturnsAnOptionalString("parameter"), let secondProcessedString = funcThatReturnsAnOptionalString("another parameter") else {
    //handle error if necessary
if !processedString.isEmpty && !secondProcessedString.isEmpty {
    //do stuff

Caveat: I find that if I’m unwrapping more than three things at once, it’s a code smell and I need to refactor. Also: it’s possible to combine guard let with traditional guard statements with conditional clauses: although I’m on the fence whether this is a good idea or impedes readability, I do find that it works as long as I restrict it to conditionals that answer the question “is this thing valid enough for me to work on?”. This would be achieved with the following (make your own mind up if this is taking things too far):

guard let processedString = funcThatReturnsAnOptionalString("parameter"), let secondProcessedString = funcThatReturnsAnOptionalString("another parameter"), !processedString.isEmpty, !secondProcessedString.isEmpty else {
    //handle error if necessary
//do stuff

4. Understand that optionals may cause your app to fail differently

To be fair this is less of a problem for Objective-C developers, who are used to the paradigm “sending a message to nil is grand, at least if you’re expecting an object in return, because you’ll just get nil back”. But for developers coming from object-oriented languages such as C++, Java, C#, etc. it might be a bit of a surprise that you get far fewer crashes in Swift apps if you don’t force unwrap, because the language can eliminate a whole class of “null pointer exception” crashes if you use it correctly. This is not the same as eliminating bugs due to unexpected input! Instead of bug reports “the app crashes when I tried to do this”, you’ll start to get reports of “nothing happened when I tried to do this”. Prepare accordingly.

5. Use structs (when you can)

Although Swift supports object-oriented programming with classes, it brings a new more powerful paradigm: protocol oriented programming. This works best with the value types struct and enum and also gets you extra benefits: default initialisers, thread safety, and a way out of the sometimes baroque structures that class inheritance can encourage. But there’s a caveat: note that the two popular object persistence methods used in Swift (Core Data and Realm) use classes. And at the UI layer, UIKit on iOS and AppKit on macOS are all class-based. So your potential for using structs may actually be quite limiting (which can be a bit confusing because most introductions to Swift focus on structs, not classes, which leaves you with a mismatch between learning the language and using it). That said, do try and use structs where you can, especially in the intermediate layers between your view controllers and your model objects.

6. Enum all the things

That’s the title of a talk given by Dave Sims at the Limerick iOS Developer meetup that was so good he famously ended up giving the talk at other meetups in Ireland and the US. Enums are first-class (pardon the pun) value types in Swift that can have functions, properties, and most of the things that structs can have, as well as associated types. They are a tremendously powerful tool when writing swift apps.

7. Avoid AnyObject, and start to think about protocols and generics

Say you have two UITableViews in your app, which are mostly similar – you might be tempted to write one UITableViewController to avoid code duplication. What do you use as your datasource? One way might be to use an array of AnyObjects (AnyObject is a special type which means an instance of any class). Any time you’re relying on run-time type checking is a good prompt to think about protocol orientated programming. At its simplest, create a protocol and make your two types conform to it (they can even be blank). Add any common properties to allow the Swift compiler to check the validity of your code. Generics offer another powerful way of avoiding code duplication and increasing compile time safety. You can even create generic protocols using Protocols with Associated Types.

8. Add defaults to function parameters

Finally a quick one – if a function you’ve written almost solves your current problem, but needs an extra parameter, add it to the existing function with a default value instead of creating a new function. The default value will mean that existing calls to that function won’t break. I’ve often found that making the parameter an Optional type and setting its default value to nil allows an if let in the function body to neatly deal with the extra parameter.


Swift is still a young language, and best practices are by no means settled. To take an example from Erica Sadun’s excellent book Swift Style: An Opinionated Guide to an Opinionated Language, the Swift Standard library team prefer a space either side of a colon in declarations:

class userDetailViewController : UIViewController {

where the Apple developer docs team prefer left-hugging colons almost everywhere:

class userDetailViewController: UIViewController {

(for what it’s worth I prefer the second approach). I don’t even follow all the recommendations listed in this article all of the time in my own code. What’s important is that as you learn the language, you’re aware of working with the language and its opinions, rather than against it.

Starting to break out from the walled garden

The AOL walled garden in the late 90’s. Image from

When I was at college, I had a night job in a call centre, providing tech support to AOL’s UK customers. It was the late nineties, and although AOL was never as popular in Europe as it was in North America, the company’s vision of a proprietary walled garden giving an ‘internet-like’ experience was still a compelling option for many.

Of course AOL’s influence waned over the years, causing many of us to think that “the internet wants to be free” and that any attempts by a large corporation to supplant the internet was doomed to failure, confirmed by the quick rise and fall of services like Bebo and MySpace.

Now I’m not so sure.

The 2010s have seen the aggressive expansion of social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. When you sign up to these services, you feel like you’re a new customer but of course you’re not, you’re a product. Sophisticated algorithms suck you in to spend more time on these sites, ‘engaging’ more so that you will provide more information to be targeted by ever-more tailored (and profitable) ads.

And the effects have become even more chilling as the algorithms that social networks use spill over into society and politics, encouraging us all to become more polarised, more aggressive and more needy.

There is an alternative, and thankfully there are some very smart people working on it. A return to the open web, where we share for the simple joy of sharing, without profit-maximising algorithms getting in the way.

Host your own content

The basic idea of hosting your own content is not that you pretend that social networks don’t exist, but rather that you take control of your own content, under a domain name that you control, and choose what you share with other services.

I’ve hosted my own content on this site for the past twelve years but for shorter ‘status updates’ I have occasionally used social networks for this purpose.

I’ve created my own ‘microblog’ at that I will use for short pieces of content, originating from my own site. I will use a new service called to share my posts to twitter and (maybe) facebook, but the content will always originate from my own site. If you don’t want to create your own site, can do it for you – yes it costs money ($5/month) but if we are to take back control of the web, we need to start thinking like customers, not products. The service is still invite-only at the moment, but I have a few invite codes if anyone would like to check it out.

I’m grateful that there are people working on products that can help us liberate ourselves from the walled garden, and I’m hopeful there will always be a place for independence on the web, away from the toxic profit-maximising behaviour of commercial social networks.

Make our street great again

To the project team in charge of redesigning Limerick’s main street:

Please remove through traffic from O’Connell Street.

Expecting people to compete with 1 tonne+ hunks of metal dashing from one side of the city to the other is a recipe for disaster. Let’s admit that “shared space” is the “sorry/not sorry” of urban design when it facilitates traffic throughput.

Let’s be ambitious for our city centre: O’Connell Street has enough room for green spaces, playgrounds, exhibition areas, and much much more.

To attract the best to live, work and learn in our city centre requires a city centre worthy of the best.

I genuinely appreciate the effort that the project team have made to consult the public. I know we share the same hopes and dreams for our city, and I hope you can revise your plans to remove through traffic and centre our great street around our city’s most important asset: our people.

Sent as a submission to the O’Connell St project design team, 29th June 2017.

Don’t use the Force, Luke

(tl;dr: force unwrapping in Swift with ! is bad)

At our last iOS Developer meetup in Limerick, my Worst Case Scenario podcast co-host Dave Sims gave an excellent talk on Optionals in Swift. I’m hoping that Dave will put the content online some day as he really managed to provide a simple yet powerful overview of what Optionals are. He also ended up being invited to give his talk to the CocoaHeads meetup in Indianapolis via Skype – check out Worst Case Scenario Episode 36 for the details about how that came about.

Dave mentioned in his talk that force unwrapping Optionals is generally a bad idea. Xcode doesn’t help the matter though by actually encouraging programmers to force-unwrap optionals:

This is terrible advice for programmers new (or not-so-new…) to Swift. Force unwrapping a nil optional will cause a runtime crash. The whole point of optionals is you make a whole class of bug, where a nil creeps in and causes havoc down the line, impossible. Force-unwrapping throws all of this away with the dubious upside of saving a line or two (and shutting up the compiler). You can argue that the Apple documentation is pretty clear about force unwrapping being a bad idea, but I feel the tools should be encouraging best behaviour. Dave mentioned three common unwrapping techniques:

  1. if let
  2. guard let
  3. The ?? nil coalescing operator to provide a default value

Dave also mentioned Chris Lattner’s recent appearance on Accidental Tech Podcast where Swift’s creator talked about the purpose of the guard statement was to allow early exit (Overcast link that jumps directly to that segment), a style which he is personally in favour of. I also like this style – it reduces the indentation for the main bit of the code. You just have to remember to actually exit the block, either by asserting or returning a default value.

Moving on

For nearly five years I’ve been running my startup Reg Point of Sale. Last week I sent an email round to all my customers to tell them that I’m shutting the business down.

Fortunately, due to the architecture of the system we developed, our customers will still be able to use their systems for the foreseeable future.

It was a tough decision to make. We didn’t take any outside investment, and we don’t owe money to anyone, but it’s still tough to shut down what really was a labour of love.

At some stage I’d like to write up a more detailed retrospective about what went right, and what went wrong. But for now, if you’re interested in more background, I did talk a bit more in detail about this on the latest episode of the Worst Case Scenario podcast that I host with David Sims and Baz Taylor. The relevant section starts about 33’40” in.

Hey Siri, turn the Christmas lights on

My fellow podcast hosts on Worst Case Scenario had both got smart home gear for Christmas. I was feeling a bit left out so I wanted to hack together a low-budget version. Here it is in action:

Now I can use Siri (or the iOS Home app) to turn on my Christmas lights from anywhere!


  • Raspberry Pi
  • Relay shield from the gear we bought for the hackathon last year (it’s marked FE_SR1y)
  • Christmas lights

The relay shield has a transistor and a diode built in, so I didn’t need to do any fandaglement with a circuit, just hooked up the + to 5v on the Pi, – to Ground, and the switching pin to one of the GPIO pins.

On the Pi, I installed the excellent Homebridge which allowed me to create a HomeKit accessory that Siri can talk to. I used the homebridge-gpio-wpi plugin to talk to the GPIO pins.

It’s obviously super fast on my home wifi network but it’s also surprisingly speedy going through the phone network: iPhone -> phone network -> Apple’s servers -> Apple TV -> Raspberry Pi -> lights takes about 1.3 seconds.

I am toying with the idea of creating a low-budget connected home using 433MHz RF remote controlled sockets which I could control from the Pi with a transmitter board. The other two lads on Worst Case Scenario are also expanding their systems based on the Amazon Echo – subscribe and keep up to date with how we’re getting on!

iOS – checking to see if a word with blank letters is valid using NSSet, NSArray, Core Data and SQLite

Annoying Scrabble words like azo are even more annoying when you use a blank
Annoying Scrabble words like azo are even more annoying when you use a blank

An interesting problem I had recently was to check to see if a string was valid word or not, comparing against a word list with over 170,000 entries.

Checking the string is easy, after loading the words into an NSArray, you can just call containsObject:

NSString *wordToFind = @“the”;
BOOL wordIsValid = [wordArray containsObject:wordToFind];

The code above takes 0.0310 seconds on my iPhone 5s.

It’s even faster with an NSSet:

NSString *wordToFind = @“the”;
BOOL wordIsValid = [wordSet containsObject:wordToFind];

Using an NSSet is over 300x faster than NSArray in this instance: 0.00001s!

Blankety blank

What if you wanted to search to see if the word was valid using blanks, like in Scrabble? NSPredicate makes this very easy:

NSString *wordToFind = @“th?”;
NSPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@“SELF LIKE %@“,wordToFind];
NSArray *filteredArray = [wordArray filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate];

But then I looked at how long it took: 0.44 seconds. Ouch! It’s not acceptable to block the main thread for that long.  There’s a similar method for NSSet:

NSString *wordToFind = @“th?”;
NSPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@“SELF LIKE %@“,wordToFind];
NSSet *filteredSet = [wordSet filteredSetUsingPredicate:predicate];

which took 0.47 seconds – even worse!


At this point I decided to benchmark the results by running the test on 500 randomly selected words, where 5% of the letters were turned into blanks. Here’s a sample from my test word list of 500 words:


(I have no idea what ‘pseudopregnant’ means…).

Running the test with 500 different words and measuring the time it took to do each test enabled me to record the mean, minimum, maximum and standard deviation of each method. Unfortunately I had to run these tests on the iOS simulator – turns out there’s a subtle bug when repeatedly running an NSPredicate which causes a huge number of NSComparisonPredicate objects to be malloc’ed and not freed, causing the tests above to blow up due to memory pressure on my 5S.

Using the simulator, here’s the results of the test with filteredArrayUsingPredicate: and filteredSetUsingPredicate:

Method Average Min Max Standard Deviation
filteredArrayUsingPredicate:  0.15 0.12 0.34 0.03
filteredSetUsingPredicate:  0.16  0.14  0.54  0.03

Other in-memory methods

I then tried a litany of various methods on NSSet and NSArray to see if I could come up with something faster.

 Using blocks: indexOfObjectPassingTest

    NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF LIKE %@",wordToCheck];
    NSUInteger index = [wordArray indexOfObjectPassingTest:^BOOL(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
        return [predicate evaluateWithObject:obj];
    if(index != NSNotFound)
//can return the found word using index

Prefiltering NSArray

This method pre-filters the word list by narrowing it down to only words which have the same first letter (unless we have a blank as the first letter) as the word we’re trying to match.

    NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF LIKE %@",wordToCheck];
    NSString *firstLetter = [wordToCheck substringToIndex:1];
    NSArray *smallerArray;
    //prefiltering on first letter will only work if first letter is not blank
    if([firstLetter isEqualToString:@"?"])
        smallerArray = wordArray;
        NSPredicate *firstLetterPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF BEGINSWITH %@",firstLetter];
        smallerArray = [wordArray filteredArrayUsingPredicate:firstLetterPredicate];
    NSArray *filteredArray = [smallerArray filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate];
    if([filteredArray count] > 0)
//return matched word here if needed

Prefiltering NSSet

    NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF LIKE %@",wordToCheck];
    NSString *firstLetter = [wordToCheck substringToIndex:1];
    //prefiltering on first letter will only work if first letter is not blank
    NSSet *smallerSet;
    if([firstLetter isEqualToString:@"?"])
        smallerSet = wordSet;
        NSPredicate *firstLetterPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF BEGINSWITH %@",firstLetter];
        smallerSet = [wordSet filteredSetUsingPredicate:firstLetterPredicate];
    NSSet *filteredSet = [smallerSet filteredSetUsingPredicate:predicate];
    if([filteredSet count] > 0)
//return matched word

Using a compound predicate on NSArray

What if we combined the above two methods into a compound predicate – where we check to see if the first letter is the same AND the word is like the word we’re searching for. This might result in a faster match as we can avoid using the expensive LIKE predicate if the first letters are not matching:

    NSPredicate *predicate;
    //if first letter is blank we have to fall back to using normal predicate
    if([firstLetter isEqualToString:@"?"])
        predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF LIKE %@",wordToCheck];
        predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF BEGINSWITH %@ AND SELF LIKE %@",firstLetter,wordToCheck];
    NSArray *filteredArray = [wordArray filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate];
    if([filteredArray count] > 0)
//retrieve matched word here

Using a compound predicate on NSSet

    NSString *firstLetter = [wordToCheck substringToIndex:1];
    NSPredicate *predicate;
    //if first letter is blank we have to fall back to using normal predicate
    if([firstLetter isEqualToString:@"?"])
        predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF LIKE %@",wordToCheck];
        predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF BEGINSWITH %@ AND SELF LIKE %@",firstLetter,wordToCheck];
    NSSet *filteredSet = [wordSet filteredSetUsingPredicate:predicate];
    if([filteredSet count] > 0)
//match word here

NSArray concurrent enumeration

NSArray also has a method:

- (void)enumerateObjectsWithOptions:(NSEnumerationOptions)opts 
                         usingBlock:(void (^)(ObjectType obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop))block;

which allows concurrent enumeration when you pass the NSEnumerationConcurrent option:

__block NSString *stringToReturn;
    NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF LIKE %@",wordToCheck];
    [wordArray enumerateObjectsWithOptions:NSEnumerationConcurrent
                                usingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop)  {
                                    if([predicate evaluateWithObject:obj])
                                        stringToReturn = obj;
                                        *stop = YES;

NSSet concurrent enumeration

NSSet offers an almost identical method, except there is no index parameter as NSSets are unordered:

    __block NSString *stringToReturn;
    NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF LIKE %@",wordToCheck];
    [wordSet enumerateObjectsWithOptions:NSEnumerationConcurrent
                                usingBlock:^(id obj, BOOL *stop)  {
                                    if([predicate evaluateWithObject:obj])
                                        stringToReturn = obj;
                                        *stop = YES;


Method Average Min Max Standard Deviation
indexOfObjectPassingTest  0.07 0.0001 0.31 0.04
Prefiltering NSArray  0.07 0.04 0.24 0.03
Prefiltering NSSet 0.08 0.05 0.41 0.03
NSArray compound predicate  0.09 0.06 0.33 0.03
NSSet compound predicate 0.10 0.08 0.26 0.03
NSArray concurrent enumeration  0.10 0.004 0.36 0.06
NSSet concurrent enumeration 0.10 0.01 0.31 0.06

We have managed to do a bit better with some of these methods, but we’re still nowhere near acceptable performance. Maybe Core Data might have some under-the-hood optimisations that might help us:

Core Data

I set up a simple Core Data stack, with one entity “Word” which had one attribute “word” (naming things is hard…). Here’s the method to retrieve a matching word in my data controller:

-(Word *)wordMatchingString:(NSString *)stringToMatch
    Word *wordToReturn;
    NSFetchRequest *request = [[NSFetchRequest alloc]init];
    //we want to retrieve all things
    NSEntityDescription *e = [[[persistenceController mom]entitiesByName]objectForKey:@"Word"];
    //set the entity description to the fetch request
    [request setEntity:e];
    NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"word LIKE %@",stringToMatch];
    [request setPredicate:predicate];
    //limit to one result
    [request setFetchLimit:1];
    NSError *error;
    //execute the fetch request and store it in an array
    NSArray *result = [[persistenceController mainContext] executeFetchRequest:request error:&error];
    //if not successful, throw an exception with the error
        [NSException raise:@"Fetch failed" format:@"Reason: %@",[error localizedDescription]];
    //return the only object in the array
    wordToReturn = [result lastObject];
    return wordToReturn;

And here’s the method to match the word:

    Word *foundWord = [[WSDataController sharedController]wordMatchingString:wordToCheck];

The results for this were all over the place:

Method Average Min Max Standard Deviation
Core Data  0.10 0.001 0.76 0.06

I had high hopes for Core Data but it’s just not fast or consistent enough for this application.

Descent into SQLite

I was about to give up at this point. I asked Dave Sims if he had any advice and he suggested implementing a Directed Acyclic Word Graph (DAWG) which would be very efficient for finding matches – despite the opportunity to make “yo dawg” jokes I reckoned it might be a bit above my pay grade for some weekend pottering.

I’d read about some iOS developers preferring to deal directly with SQLite for their persistent storage, rather than using Core Data (which uses SQLite as one of its storage options). Relishing the opportunity to type in all caps, I followed a tutorial to get a basic SQLite setup going (the tutorial has a small error in, which XCode will catch with a warning, the solution is to replace the offending line with if (sqlite3_step(compiledStatement) == SQLITE_DONE) { ). Here’s my SQLite query:

    //SQLite uses underscores as the single character wildcard
    NSString *underscoreString = [wordToCheck stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"?" withString:@"_"];
    NSString *query = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SELECT word FROM words WHERE word LIKE '%@'",underscoreString];
    NSArray *resultsArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:[self.dbManager loadDataFromDB:query]];
    if([resultsArray count]>0)

This gave the following results:

Method Average Min Max Standard Deviation
SQLite 0.017 0.0014 0.056 0.004


Using SQLite not only resulted in faster matching, it was also much more reliable than any of the other methods, with a very small standard deviation. Obviously matching a string in an array of 170,000 strings is an edge case, and for most cases any of the other methods would have sufficed.

It’s also worth noting that I was able to run the Core Data and SQLite tests on my own iPhone 5S as they do not suffer the same NSPredicate memory leak as the other methods. Here are the results on the phone:

Method Average Min Max Standard Deviation
Core Data (iPhone 5S) 0.35 0.002 0.78 0.19
SQLite (iPhone 5S) 0.037 0.036 0.042 0.0006

Full results

Method Average Min Max Standard Deviation
filteredArrayUsingPredicate:  0.15 0.12 0.34 0.03
filteredSetUsingPredicate:  0.16  0.14  0.54  0.03
indexOfObjectPassingTest  0.07 0.0001 0.31 0.04
Prefiltering NSArray  0.07 0.04 0.24 0.03
Prefiltering NSSet 0.08 0.05 0.41 0.03
NSArray compound predicate  0.09 0.06 0.33 0.03
NSSet compound predicate 0.10 0.08 0.26 0.03
NSArray concurrent enumeration  0.10 0.004 0.36 0.06
NSSet concurrent enumeration 0.10 0.01 0.31 0.06
Core Data  0.10 0.001 0.76 0.06
SQLite 0.017 0.0014 0.056 0.004
Core Data (iPhone 5S) 0.35 0.002 0.78 0.19
SQLite (iPhone 5S) 0.037 0.036 0.042 0.0006

All hail the new ecosystem wars

pixelYesterday Google announced a new phone. This event wasn’t unusual, Google have announced many phones in its flagship Nexus line in the past – however this time Google proudly announced that they had designed their own phone, rather than commissioning it from a third party manufacturer. Now Apple is not the only player who claims to control ‘both the hardware and the software’. Although I develop for Apple platforms I thought Google’s announcement was intriguing, and if we really are at the start of a new phase in the ecosystem war, it could be really good for pushing the smartphone and related devices forward.

As an aside – We normally discuss events like yesterday’s Google announcement of new phones and other products on our Worst Case Scenario podcast with Baz Taylor and Dave Sims, and Atlantic 302 with Pat Carroll. Yesterday’s announcement intrigued me, and I wanted to jot down some thoughts ahead of recording our next episodes. So if you think any of the reflections below are wide of the mark, I’d encourage you to take a listen to Worst Case Scenario or Atlantic 302 – chances are that either Baz and Dave or Pat will have picked up on any of my spoofing! We’ll be releasing episodes soon that will discuss the Google announcement from a tech and business strategy perspective respectively, I’ll update this article with links when they drop.

The phone isn’t impressive, but the future might be

On first look, the new Google Pixel phone is embarrassingly similar in design to the iPhone 6/6S (granted, I would say the same about the iPhone 7, but c’mon Google, let’s bring a little design innovation here) but if this is a real push by Google to design phones then it makes sense to start out conservatively, and expand over time. If Google are really serious about this, they could bring some much-needed competition to Apple at the high-end of the smartphone market as they develop future models.

The mid-end of the market is there for the taking

The new Google Pixel phone is identically priced to the iPhone in almost all markets. For many people, in many markets, the pricing of the new iPhone and Google Pixel is far too high. We’re also at the stage where, thanks to large leaps in CPU/GPU/storage speed in the last few years, users don’t necessarily need the latest and greatest in technology to have a great smartphone experience. If Google are smart, they will continue to innovate at the high end, but will bring in a newer line of mid-range smartphones over time. Apple half-heartedly addresses this market with the iPhone SE (which I think is a great phone, but it’s Apple’s first device to address the mid-market that isn’t just continuing to sell an older model) but is pretty obviously chasing profit margins, not market share. Obviously there are other manufacturers competing at both the mid and the high end of the smartphone market, but the fragmentation of the market combined with the tendency of carriers and manufacturers to abandon phone models and not give software updates means that there is a real opportunity for Google here.

Apple’s early lead in the connected home market is toast

It frustrates me that Apple came out with a wonderful product for wireless audio a whole twelve years ago with the launch of the AirPort Express. This wonderful device allowed you to wirelessly play music from your Mac (and later, when it was released, your iPhone) to your stereo. It added the ability to play to multiple AirPorts back in 2006, only a year after Sonos had launched their first product (which was expensive and buggy at the start). Since then, Apple have virtually ignored this feature, and certainly failed to build other ‘connected home’ features to it. The AirPort express was last updated in 2012, and doesn’t support modern WiFi standards like wireless ac (introduced in the iPhone 6). Even more inexcusably, Apple never bothered bringing multi-zone AirPlay to iPhones and iPads, despite the fact that modern iPhones have vastly more power than the Macs that supported it back in 2006. Google have launched a new wifi router which uses modern mesh networking techniques (like Eero and Ubiquity), as well as expanding their Chromecast range, which, despite not having native iOS integration, is a better buy these days than the 4 year-old AirPort Express.

How Google might mess this up

All is not lost for Apple however. Google have a bad reputation of throwing things to the wall and seeing what sticks, abandoning products and allowing overlapping products to co-exist (the mess that is Hangouts, Voice and Allo being a prime example). It’s also interesting that these products where released by Google, as opposed to the Nest subdivision of Alphabet that was supposed to focus on consumer hardware. Google’s may not be able to overcome its creepy tendencies and think of its consumer hardware devices as simply another tool to slurp up information about its users. Apple has a stubbornness that can be a strength when it comes to iterating on products and technologies until they are good enough, especially in the hardware space.

The victor in Google v Apple might be us

Ultimately, competition is good. I have never been tempted by any of the flagship Android offerings over the years, including the latest Google Pixel, but that may change in the future. Apple as a company needs good competition to spur them on. In particular I’m hoping that Google’s WiFi and Chromecast products will force Apple to start competing in this market again. An interesting possibility is that with Google becoming an integrated phone manufacturer (despite protestations that the hardware and Android teams are completely separate) is that other Android manufacturers might be tempted to go full in on a third mobile phone operating system, a move that would encourage open standards and which might spur even further innovation.